Sunday, March 24, 2013

Full Moon in Libra; Crown of Fire withSun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in Aries

Full Moon on March 27, 2013

On Wednesday, March 27, 2013, the  Moon reaches her fullness  at 6 degrees of Libra at 2:28 A.M. in the Pacific time zone.  This Full Moon called the Full Worm Moon occurs at the start of spring when the ground begins to warm up, and when the spring rains soften the earth. Earthworms  begin to appear. In Southern California, you would see them on the sidewalks after a spring rain. In the Northern latitudes, the robins have begun to arrive to nest for the spring and summer, and the earth worms, or Night Crawlers, are coming to the surface. I recall my grandfather and father going out in search of Night Crawlers to use for bait for fishing season.

Northern tribes call this moon, the Full Crow Moon as the crow’s cawing signals the end of winter. It is also called the Full Crust Moon because melting snow still freezes at night creating a crust on the ground. Last night here on the river, we had a squall pass over, followed by a brief but intense hail storm. Some call this the Full Sap Moon because it’s time when Maple trees can be tapped for their sap. And early settlers called this the Lenten Moon as it signaled the Lent would be ending and Easter would be celebrated at the next Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (March 21). 

Other names for this Full Moon include: Moon of the Winds, Moon of the Snow Blind, Magpie Moon, Sugar/Sugaring Moon, Seed Moon, Basanta Purnima (Hindu name for Spring), Medin Poya (Buddhist name for spring), and the Chaste Moon. Whatever you call this Moon, it is a powerful one, and the first full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, signaling a number of religious dates of significance. For Western Christian traditions, this moon signals the coming of Easter on the next Sunday following this moon. For an explanation of how Eastern and Western Christians determine when Easter falls, visit Fact Monster

The Full Moon in Libra peaks at 9:28 A.M. (GMT)/2:28 PDT. The Full Moon is always a time when the Sun and the Moon are in exact opposition, calling us to unite and harmonize both inside and out. The gravitational pull of the Sun on one side of the planet and the Moon on the other, exerts a great deal of pressure; pressure we can observe with the rising and falling tides, and pressure we can observe within ourselves and the lives of others around us. We notice that our sleep is affected, our behavior and moods are affected, and this also changes the way we behave, especially when we are not very observant or reflective about our thoughts, words, and actions. Being mindful helps us handle the excessive stress or energy we might be feeling.

Coming to wholeness is called for, though it may feel like we’re simply confused if we have not been paying attention to the polarities at work within our lives and our selves. The polarity that exists between the Libra Full Moon and the Sun in Aries is that of relationships--the pull between our relationship with ourselves and our relationships with others,  especially the significant ones. Any imbalances in this area of our lives and in the particular houses of our chart where the Aries/Libra axis rules, will become more apparent at this time than most other times.  With four heavenly bodies in opposition to the Moon in Libra, we will feel more deeply and be more emotionally affected by this Full Moon. We will perhaps feel pulled to make major changes now if our needs are not being met or if we are out of balance in the way we care for others and ourselves.

Libra normally calls us to ‘make peace’ and to see all sides of a situation. What is crucial to understand is that we must also stand in our own truth and not just meet the needs of others at our own expense.  And the contrary holds true as well.  If we are too self-absorbed, and not paying attention to what those around us need, we are in danger of suffering some difficult times and may lose what we have said we treasure because we are not willing or able to act according to our true intentions. We can only go for so long on the promises or intentions; at some point we need to see that actions are speaking out the true intentions and desires.

The Sun is aligned with Venus, Uranus, and Mars in Aries, with each planet receiving an opposition to the Moon and squaring Pluto (the planet of transformative change). What has needed to change, will now fall apart or reach a point where it will be easier to release and let go of what needs to go.  This is a highly emotional Full Moon, and finding ways to acknowledge our authentic feelings, and then expressing those feelings in positive, constructive, and meaningful ways will do much to alleviate some of the pressure. Jupiter’s  sextile to the Aries’ planets and the Sun help us find the gifts in some of the emotional garbage that seems to ooze up from some dark places where it’s been suppressed or unhealed.  The Moon triggers something of an emotional temper tantrum---one long overdue in some cases.

Saturn in 10 Scorpio  and the  North Node 17 degrees Scorpio, signal a deep transmission of unconscious energy and deep-seated issues that have risen to the surface to be dealt with.  The movement of Saturn into Scorpio last Fall, opened us to a great deal of soul-searching, and even release of energy, memories, and psychic movement that is rising to the surface to become more conscious and to infuse us with a deeper awareness and understanding of our nature and the issues that need attention in order for us to heal, grow, and develop in areas that are needed for our own health and happiness and for the health, happiness, and well-being of those we are in relationship with.

Pluto, the Great Transformer is at 11 degrees of Capricorn and continues to uproot and discharge whatever needs to be broken up so that we can make transitions that are needed in our lives at this time.  Jupiter is at 11 degrees of  Gemini, and forms a sextile to the planets in Aries, lightening the harshness of the opposition and square that are happening. 

Neptune in 4 degrees of Pisces and Chiron at 9 degrees of Pisces continue to awaken our deepest unconscious desires, intutitive knowledge, and unhealed or hidden wounds so that Chiron, the Wounded Healer, can address the areas of our lives that need to be addressed, healed, and tended to. 

As the Moon opposes Uranus, a  tug of war  takes place between the glamourous and free-spirited lover  within us and the caring, self-sacrificing mother or caretaker in us that has had it with that role.  Like I said, the undeveloped parts of ourselves and the parts of ourselves that we have been ignoring in hopes of taking care of everyone else in our lives, now rebels and stomps around like an angry teenager. Venus conjunct Uranus also triggers this same type of reaction, particularly if we have neglected ourselves for the sake of relationships, roles, or outmoded habits and patterns of behavior.

When the  Sun conjuncts Venus and, Uranus there is a tendency for us to sugar coat the harsh realities. Any self sacrificing that we may have indulged in, may now trigger a greater awareness of how we have neglected our own value, happiness, and health. The Sun, Moon, Venus, and Mars in Aries, a fire sign at the peak of this Full Moon in Libra, and  are beginning to form a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. This is actually a good time for those of us with planets in fire and air signs.  The yod that formed in late December is now growing stronger through April 10. Formed by Jupiter in Gemini and Pluto and Saturn (Capricorn and Scorpio), it is a powerful time for seeing the results of transformative energy at work in decisions and actions now taking place.

There are a number of hard aspects the Full Moon makes including four squares to Pluto and four quinqunxes to Saturn. This Full Moon is triggering a great deal of activity, and coming on the end of Mercury’s retrograde phase (Mercury stations direct on March 17) and the Vernal Equinox (Sun enters Aries and Spring and the Lunar New Year begins), this could be a very active and jarring time.

The influence of the  Full Moon affects our psychological being a great deal. In the past this moon was called the Full Pink Moon (which you would understand if you were looking at these late winter sunsets), as they signaled the beginning of spring. The first blossoms to sprout this week have been pink-- tiny pink wild flowers are appearing in the grass, and the buds on the plum tree boughs are beginning to sprout into pink. This Full Moon, could be called the Lover’s Moon for spring is the time when love and romance begin to go wild. Spring Fever and Spring Break coincide with the wild abandonment of highly energized feelings and emotions.  If nothing else, we become highly aware of our needs and the needs of others, and we gain a great deal of clarity as we feel things more deeply and our minds are highly energized and focused as well. It’s time we begin to shed our heavy clothing and head outdoors to run, walk, hike, swim, and move about after the long winter.  And this year’s Full Moon in Libra finds many of us longing for love in all areas of our life. 

Libra is the goddess of love and harmonious relationships, and this is what we each crave at this full moon. Our need to connect emotionally, spiritually, sexually, and sensually is heightened when the Moon is in Libra.We strive to make our homes, ourselves and our lives more beautiful. The Libra Full Moon may find us longing to celebrate, entertain, and create more harmony between friends, family, and all areas of our lives. The desire for closeness and intimacy is strong, and Libra lends its finesse in expressing this passion in gentile, kind, and appealing ways. The phrase, “You catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar” comes to mind. That is the Libra way of soothing and calming troubled waters.

With the desire for beauty and harmony, the Libra Full Moon fuels our creative and artistic expression. We will be seeking more and more in the next week or so leading up to this Full Moon to clear away any clutter and discomfort from our lives, to beautify and harmonize our lives, and to seek ways to become more balanced physically, emotionally, mentally, and psychologically as the energy builds.  Rather than getting caught up in the chaos and disruptive energy being set off by the planets moving into fire signs and becoming fanned by the winds of the air sign planets, use your mindfulness practices to seek to be present in whatever is happening where you are. Release yourself from the bondage of worry, fear, fretting, and anxiety. While you may feel these emotions especially around issues, events, or obstacles in your life, you do have the power to turn your attention into  more productive and practical channels.  Channel your energy into physical activity or make even simple or tedious tasks a practice in being present and mindful. Treat even the most simple task as a sacred act, for after all, it is.   

Reflections                                                                                                    Catherine Al-Meten          
The Full Moon cycle represents the fulfillment of change already set into motion. As much as we plan and envision how our plans might work out, we have to understand that we are only part of the equation in anything that takes place in our lives. From my experience, I cannot tell how the future will unfold even though I may have a strong idea or premonition of where events are headed. At some point, and I would say, the sooner or later, we need to surrender our own ego and will to the Divine’s movement in our lives and the lives of others. We need to cast our nets into the sea (setting our intentions), and then wait to see what we pull in (what the results, consequences, and blessings) will be. This Full Moon in Libra and the strong opposiitonal activity to the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus create a powerful energetic system for us to use to become more aware of where we  need to release and where we are receiving information, gifts, and resources that may come in a form we don't usually see get to experience. What may appear as loss, chaos, or unexpected news or changes, clear the path before us.  Discovering what a relief it might be to finally have answers, be rid of a difficult and challenging situation, or learn or admist the truth of some difficult situation, may be the gifts of this Full Moon and the Stellia of planets and the Sun in Aries.  What is going on now, like the Stellia in Pisces last month, set the stage for actions, relationships, and growth in our lives for many years to come. Time to be clear about our intentions, honest about our true desires, and willing to let go of anything that blocks our highest good, excellent health, and true fulfillment. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Vernal Equinox and Crown of Fire

Visit Vernal Equinox for a scientific explanation of the Vernal Equinox.

For the Southern Hemisphere, this time marks the Autumnal Equinox, and the movement into Autumn. All other information applies.

On Monday, March 17, Mercury stationed direct and went direct at 5 degrees of Pisces. As Mercury’s momentum and energy shifts, we receive answers and clarity in areas where there may have been only confusion and misdirection.

On March 20, 2013 the Sun enters Aries signaling the Vernal Equinox or Ostara in the Northern Hemisphere. Spring arrives. A major power point. When asked last night what it means that planets are now moving into the fire signs, Sun, Mars, Uranus, and Venus will form a crown of fire in Aries. The yang or fire and action energy infuses us, pushing us into action. Because of the wild card, Uranus (sudden and shocking changes and events), we can expect the unexpected. Expressing Aries energy focus in this area of your life/chart emphasizes direct, individual actions and expression. Particularly for those of you with planets in air and fire,  a dynamic season begins. For those not inclined to move so swiftly, this can feel like a time of great discomfort, a time that feels as if someone were pushing you out of your comfort zone, for that is pretty much what the transits indicate. We are being called to act upon what we have been pondering for months. Now the gates have opened, and the way is before us. If we have just gotten comfortable with the status quo, the waiting, ‘be patient’ period, we now get swept off our feet and pushed onward.

Mars in Aries is moving into a conjunction with Uranus. This is a pretty powerful aspect, and will bring about major changes wherever it hits. At the same time, Mars and Uranus will form a square to Pluto, the Great Transformer, and all that upheaval and deep transformative, beneath the surface work that you have been doing and experiencing finally builds up into consciously directed and productive, creative, constructive changes, expressions, creation, art, and manifestation. This powerful combination of energy will move people into action and will bring about change, particularly in areas where change must take place in order for your own survival and fulfillment. Any area of fear, worry, or concern now needs to be the focus on conscious transformation. Last night in our meditation group, we focused on the use of distraction as a positive tool for dealing with pain, loss, fear, conflict, sorrow, or grief.  When the struggle is so difficult, the pain so intense, the loss so great, or the sorrow so deep, we need to focus our body, mind, and spirit in areas that uplift us. 

Distractions can be tools of healing and survival, especially when we are going through the worst of times.  Connecting with our affirming and uplifting friends, finding healing and strength in music and nature, expressing ourselves through art, service, and movement, or finding other positive ways to focus our being away from the source of pain while we work through whatever has blocked, challenged, or hurt us.  We do not want to ignore the pain in our lives, for we must acknowledge, cope with, and move to change our lives to deal with whatever has caused us sorrow. We must allow ourselves to feel and express that loss, pain, or anger in healthy, releasing ways. However, we cannot afford to wallow and take up permanent residence with our woundedness and our losses. Distractions trigger the release of positive hormones and chemicals in our bodies, helpful in countering the release of cortisol caused by stress, fear, and anxiety. Distractions allow us to practice being mindful and present in the “now” as opposed to becoming obsessed with the past-- ‘what should have been’ or with the future-- ‘what could happen or be’.

Mars in Aries, its home, is in the position to trigger new beginnings and the onset of a new phase of life, a project, or direction. For a few days, our days and nights are in balance, with equal parts of day and night. On March 21, Venus will move into Aries as well. The planet that serves as the archetype for love, money, and harmony and oneness, are all fired up by the Aries fire and energy.  At this time, it is a good time to begin a special project or do something you have wanted to do for some time. Venus in Aries encourages you to put yourself first; acknowledge your needs, desires, and natural gifts. 

Venus in Aries enjoys challenge and the chase. Direct, idealistic, and passionate, Venus in Aries is comfortable with love and one’s own expression of that love. Impulsive, passionate, and independent. Venus rules marriage, love, harmony, and the laws of attraction. Venus in Aries signifies a need for freedom in  relationships, but will not stand for being second best. Likely to know immediately who or what is capable of their affections, love comes from a deep place of recognition and cannot be feigned. Venus is Aries enjoys the adventure in love and marriage, and will enjoy challenges in connecting and maintaining a love relationship. 

Mars in Aries also like to be in command. Mars in Aries will push us to make things happen. The wait is over. Mars rules beginning new ventures, initiating action, taking steps, and facing up to challenges. As the Sun and then Venus move into Aries, more plans can take shape, more action will happen, and since this is affecting everyone, there is likely to be some conflict or more challenges than usual as everyone is feeling energized to move toward what they desire. It is the time to begin, plant seeds, make plans, and take the first steps. When energy shifts as it is now, the movement, excitement, tension, and vibrations are so strong that we feel it on the deepest levels (dreams, intuition, sensations, physiologically) and in the events and activities around us.  If you are uncomfortable with change, now is the time to learn to “go with the flow,” as the activity is happening and you won’t have control over everything coming your way. Being able to see whatever comes as a necessary and valuable gift to help you evolve and grow is necessary for a smooth journey.  Resistance and holding on will not work for change is inevitable. How we deal with the change is what makes the difference in our ability to ride the waves of change. 

As soon as Venus enters Aries, we get ready for the Mars/Uranus conjunction on the 22nd of March. This aspect archetypically represents unbridled passion and loss of impulse control. There is a tendency to cast one’s fate to the winds and take large leaps into the unknown. An unpredictable aspect, Mars conjunct Uranus in Aries throws plans out the window, and may cause us to ignore any red flags before us. Notice where in your chart/life you feel a sense of restlessness growing. Take precautions and prepare for any risks you take. Watch what you’re doing and where you are going, and pay attention to any area of your life where you may be inclined to take unnecessary risks or act on impulse. Keep in mind that our collective thoughts and actions can have an impact on the whole of society. This aspect between Mars and Uranus is an explosive combination, so how this might manifest outside your own experience is impossible to say. How you respond to this aspect yourself depends on whether or not you are able to exercise some control and discretion over your own speech, behavior, thoughts, and interactions. 

Some of the ways Mars conjunct Uranus can manifest include; being too strong-willed, being obstinate or stubborn, or very energetic. During this type of transit, we put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to reach a deadline, solve a problem, or handle a pressing issue. It is a time when we might enjoy a good adventure or some healthy competition. Exercise caution however, and don’t go overboard or push your limits. This is not the time for pushing ourselves or anyone else, though we may feel the very strong urge to do so. 

This can be a time where your intuition is heightened, and your dreams and psychic experiences may be unusual, strange, or unlike what you are used to. Try to maintain balance in any area right now; body, mind, and spirit are all being activated and supercharged. Find ways to rest or channel the energy positively . 

With Mars in its home sign of Aries, events and information may be brought to our attention, particularly if this aspects your own planets, the Sun, or Moon or anyone with the Sun in 5-15 degrees of  Aries, Libra, Capricorn, or Cancer. Mars squares Jupiter, the planet of finances March 19 and 20.  

There is much coming to the surface, and energetically, this is a volatile and powerful time; a time to focus on containing our darker impulses and maintaining a realistic perspective so we avoid over-reacting and pushing ourselves or others past their limits. For those of us who are artists, writers, and musicians, this is a time to use the channel the active, fiery energy into form, structure, verse, or some positive form of expression.  Mary Plumb, astrologer, wrote in Mountain Astrologer last August,  

“A personal revolution is at hand for each one of us as Prometheus steals fire from the gods now through the sign Aries, the sign of individuation and singularity. It will feel scary; we are at the limit of convention and security in some significant way inside ourselves.” 

Plumb’s  words struck me then, as they do now, as some of the wisest advice for times like these. With the element of fire, we can be creative and resourceful or we can damage and destroy. The choice is ours; individually and collectively. Choose Life!  

Temperance                                                                        by Tammy von Payens
From Elments of Tarot: A Guide for a Spiritual Journey by Catherine Al-Meten    
Visit Virgo Magic where Portland Astrologer, Emily Trinkaus sheds light on the Vernal Equinox too. Her columns are always insightful and interesting.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Watch the Changes...Mars and Moon in Aries, New Starts

Just a quick article to make note of the changes that already appear to be happening as Mars and the Moon move into Aries. Mars signals change just after the New Moon in Pisces and the Stellia of planets and the Sun in Pisces energized and activated some area of our lives deeply and with long-lasting consequences. What might have  seemed like an endless period of time of waiting or feeling blocked, now appears to be releasing and opening up in new ways.  Reread the article about the planets through the houses that I wrote last week, and determine where you may be feeling a significant push and profound changes taking place. For some, it may feel like being forced to confront circumstances, lifestyles, or patterns that have not yet been eliminated, while for others, it may be that we finally begin to glimpse a vision of the future, or see a way out of an endless cycle of delay and disharmony.

The main thrust of the Moon in Aries (affecting our emotional well being and our moods) and Mars in Aries, (the archetype of energy and action) are both soon to come into conjunction with Uranus in Aries. This indicates sudden and unexpected changes that will have a powerful impact on whatever area of life, society it hits.  A number of planets continue their transit through Pisces, the Sun is at  23 degrees of Pisces meaning we have one more week until the Sun moves into Aries on the first day of Spring. The Moon already made her conjunction with Uranus, so dreams or emotional experiences may have been triggered earlier today. 

Mars in the first degree will move into conjunction with Uranus at 7 degrees over the next week, so expect the unexpected. Mars is at home in Aries, the sign of its ruler. We should feel a boost of energy, a sense of optimism and hope, and a bit more courage to face whatever lies ahead. We rely more on our sense of friendly competition and realize life is worth taking some risks. We recognize that though we are not in control of everything, we can make choices, and it doesn't so much matter the outcome as it does give us a sense of living more authentically than waiting for things to happen to us. 

This is the beginning of the astrological new year's move into Aries.  When the Sun enters Aries next week, we are officially through the threshold into a new beginning, and it's full speed ahead.  Look to your dreams, intuitive knowledge, and desire to move forward on whatever has been brewing on your creative burners. For many, it is time to decide and to act. We will live with the consequences, but half the fun of living is making choices and acting on them. Nothing is ever accomplished by just thinking about it. Make changes, set your direction, and start moving forward. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

New Moon in Pisces, 21 degrees; Stellium of Pisces

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ( Meister Eckhart,  1259 - 1327)

Shining Light Path                                                                           Catherine Al-Meten
A quotation by Meister Eckhart beautifully expresses the worldview of a redeemed Pisces. At its worst, Pisces is portrayed as two fish swimming in opposite directions, unable to integrate both aspects of the inner and outer being of self.  At best, redeemed Pisces is about bringing opposites together to work for the whole. At this time when a 6 to 7 planets, the Sun, and the Moon are transiting in Pisces, the Stellenium or Crown of Pisces is forming, casting a mystical, magical spell on each of us. We are all being called to heal and become whole, particularly through one area of our lives where Pisces lives.

From February 5-March 21 we are experiencing the Pisces Stellenium. a 44-day period when 6/7 planets/heavenly bodies will be in Pisces. Two other planets are in Scorpio, another water sign. Since Mercury went retrograde on February 25, its stay is longer than usual in Pisces.  The New Moon on March 10/11 will be in Pisces, bringing the total bodies in Pisces to 7 for about three days. Special new beginnings are in store, and this is a highly emotional and creative time....a magical time when we use the energy well.
After the New Moon, on the 12th, both Mars and the Moon leave Pisces, moving into Aries.  

Sun 15/18 Pisces
Moon 26/10 Sagittarius
Mercury 12/52 Pisces
Venus 9/33 Pisces
Mars 24/54 Pisces
Jupiter 8/13 Gemini
Saturn 11/19 Scorpio
Uranus 7/10 Aries
Neptune 3/17 Pisces
Pluto 11/12 Capricorn
North Node 19/5 Scorpio
Chiron 9/44 Pisces
Pisces Stellenium

Some aspects that you may notice include Retrograde Mercury in Pisces’ semi-sextile with Uranus (planet of change and sudden, unexpected news and movement) signals change within change. Much of the movement going on in our lives and in the world around us is happening in very subtle and deep ways. 

Curiosity and creativity are alive and active, and as water does, we find ourselves shifting and moving with the tides and changes happening in our environment and in ourselves.  We adapt or find ourselves fighting, to no avail, the movement of spirit and all forms of energy. When energy is so strong and powerful, as these planets are in water signs, it is vital that we keep ourselves in good company and move towards and with light bodies. By light bodies, I mean those people, situations, and experiences that foster healing, health, balance, acceptance, love, and authenticity. We are called to be our true selves and to move toward the True North of our being. 

All that is happening right now is moving to purify, release, and prepare the way for healthy, creative, and uplifting projects, processes, and movement. Uranus in Gemini for some time to come, is gently and consistently pushing us to make changes so that we are responding more and more to our needs rather than our compulsions. Uranus in Gemini also encourages us to work toward higher principles and for the greater good of all humankind and for the health of the earth. Mercury is also making a square to Uranus in Gemini releasing an abundance of creative and exciting ideas. Need to use our powers of discernment and discretion to sift through the ideas, and/or to prioritize them so as not to completely overwhelm ourselves and our systems with “too much of everything”. Learn what you need to know about using your ideas and creative impulses.  Wait until after Mercury goes direct before beginning new projects.  

Jupiter in 8 degrees of Gemini is forming a Yod with Saturn in Scorpio) and Pluto (Capricorn). Jupiter is the controlling energy of this aspect. Jupiter has been known as the traditional ruler of Pisces, and therefore has a strong influence on this stellenium of planets, the Star, Earth and Moon. Pluto and Saturn are in mutual reception (being in the sign of one another’s ruler). This makes for a strong leveling and organizing influence. We are able to use this energy that has been working in our lives for the past year or so to focus and plan with the multitude of ideas flying into our lives. New types of relationships, increased synchronistic experiences, and a broader more receptive outlook links and connects us to new people, innovation and more and more interesting pathways. We have a greater willingness to recognize the gifts and talents as well as the interests and needs of others, across the board.

On Monday, March 4, the Moon (in Sagittarius) was in its last quarter square to the Sun (in Pisces).  With all the squares of the Moon to the different planets in Pisces, this may have been a pretty intense time. Crisis of consciousness or crises brewing in areas of life around water issues or in areas where Pisces falls in your chart/life. Right now we are in the dark of the moon, the place when we are finishing up whatever began last month, and are in a quiet, reflective time when it may be harder than usual to feel calm in the storm.  As the New Moon in Pisces approaches (March 10/11), The Sun in Pisces will be conjunct the Moon as well as all the other planets in Pisces (Mars, Mercury, Venus, Neptune, Chiron). This Stellenium in Pisces happens rarely, and generates a great deal of energy. The line up in Pisces appeals to our more altruistic feelings as well as our creative impulses, instincts, and intuitive understanding. It generally is a time when we become very aware that our lives are fueled and governed to a large degree, by circumstances and a source beyond our control or plans.  It is time to recognize our need to surrender to the Divine will and to listen and follow the intuitive pulls that reveal synchronistic signs and messages all around us. 

With so many planets in Pisces, we feel greater empathy, selfless love, compassion, and tolerance.  The shadow side of these aspect arises as we become more aware of our own woundedness and unhealed parts of our being. Those areas where we continue to deal with a sense of detachment, rise now to allow us to learn how to deal with wounds that threaten our ability to feel for others. 

Mercury in Pisces from February 5 until April 13, manifests as imaginative, intuitive, and visual thinking.  Emotions, feelings, and sensuality connect our thoughts through all forms of communication.  We express ourselves more artistically, emotionally, and our dreams and imagination provide us with a warehouse of ideas, images, visions, and conceptual connections. 

Venus’s transit of Pisces from February 25-March 21 brings a compassionate, loving, understanding, and forgiving nature to the way we express ourselves with our partners and lovers. Sensual, sensitive, and kind, Venus in Pisces allows us greater affection and tenderness in our expressions of love. We seek greater depth and more harmony in our relationships, and we find anything less than ideal to be lacking, in ourselves or others. Venus in Pisces can be too self critical or self effacing. Venus in Pisces great lesson is to express to ourselves what we so readily express to others. Be kind, tender, loving, forgiving, understanding, and affectionate to yourself as well as to others. Remembering self care can be one way to tame the Pisces shadow side of Venus.  Through our ability to love and accept ourselves, we form our ability to love others as they are and in the process, we avoid idolizing or idealizing those we love.  Be wary of being deluded or falling into the victim’s role in all relationships. It is possible to be authentic without being evasive with our true feelings and intentions.

Mars in Pisces from February 1-March 12, makes the movement and action of Mars’ energy more muted than normal.  We push less strongly, though we do persist in our efforts. We are motivated more by spiritual and emotional drives that by arbitrary goals and motivation. Mars in Pisces avoids active confrontation.  Our energy levels are less stable requiring us to rest and nourish ourselves on all levels, body, mind, emotions, spirit, and heart. We put energy into helping others and in taking a greater interest in more idealistic aims and endeavors. Life seems a bit more complicated in the energy of Pisces, and motivated more by intuition, idealism, and interest than usual. 

Venus in Pisces can lead us into some strange and complex places in regards to our sense of what it means to love and be loved. Allowing ourselves to slip into the role of a martyr (I’m doing this for love!), to take on the plight of the underdog (he had a bad childhood-I can help him!), or I-have-to -find -my-soul-mate-to-be-whole syndrome.  Any one of these attitudes about love overlook the need to discover the shadow sides of love (idealizing, idolizing, trying to make up for our own weakness, or simply neediness that can only seem to be fulfilled by someone else’s wholeness).  These are all shadow aspects of Venus in Pisces. Again, that which we look for in others needs to be present within ourselves to start. Sometimes as we grow with a partner we are fortunate to see and learn this; other times, our disappointment in the other is simply a reflection of not having grown within ourselves. 

Uranus in Aries has continued to propel us to want to take a fresh view of life, clearing ourselves from outworn patterns of behavior, thought, and emotional responses. 

Venus makes a parallel aspect to Mercury right after the New Moon in Pisces on March 10/11, and this highlights diplomacy and other gracious social exchanges. 

When the Sun is in Pisces (February 18-March 20) What you see is not necessarily what you get. And when the New Moon in Pisces lines up in conjunction with the Sun in Pisces, that was never more evident. Listen, watch, feel, and pay attention to what is not said, what is not obvious, what is not spoken, and what is not apparent to know and understand the Truth. 

The New Moon in 21 degrees of Pisces peaks at 12:59 P.M. PDT on March 11 (March 10 in earlier time zones).  This watery, mystical New Moon in Pisces carries us into the oceans of love, Light, and spirituality. Like water in its fluid state, the energy of this New Moon, combined with the energy of the Sun in 21 degrees of Pisces and 6 other planets in Pisces, makes this New Moon unlike anything you may have experienced before. Water fills all the empty spaces it finds, and embraces and buffers movement. Wearing away at rough edges, and nourishing thirsty roots, the energy of this New Moon infuses us. We experience the Oneness of all life, and feel ourselves to be at one with all around us.  The gifts of this New Moon in Pisces include receptivity and openness of heart, mind, spirit, soul, and body. Imagine if you will, each of your chakras energized by the beauty and peace of this New Moon. Allow your Crown Chakra to receive Divine inspiration, your 6th Charkra to be in tune to all intuitive knowledge, your throat chakra to sing and speak with the beauty of angelic voices and thoughts. Let your heart be in full expression of giving and receiving Love on the highest vibratory level. Allow your 3rd Chakra to feel the peace and glory of your divine being manifest in this incarnation, and allow your 2nd chakra to be activated through sharing and compassion with those with whom you are free to give and receive love and understanding. Allow yourself to root your feet, legs, and whole being in the places you love the most. Stand beneath the sky, connected to the earth where you are, and sing songs of praise, gratitude, and release. 

The Sabian Symbol for 21 degrees of Pisces is a prophet carrying tablets of the new law is walking down from the slopes of Mount Sinai.” (Periodically, when the time is right, one who hears the voice of God receives and reveals God’s message to humankind.)
What is being revealed in our lives at this time? What is being revealed within you, calling you to begin living according to a new laws, new guidelines, new ways?   

Another interpretation of Pisces at 21 degrees is: A faithful and kind servant watches as a child unfamiliar with rural life, takes a passionate fancy to life in the natural world, and holds and gently strokes a baby lamb. (Growth in consciousness through awareness.)

This New Moon completes a cycle and begins one anew. The Stellium in Pisces reveals what has not been seen, expresses through intuition, dreams, imagination, art, and discovery, what must be born and how the journey must be taken.  Allow yourself to come into a deeper experience of discovery and follow the guidance which reveals to you the path to wholeness, health, love, joy, and fulfillment. Allow your senses, intuition, insight, and vision to unfold and manifest in creativity, art, music, scientific thought, and exploration.

Crown of Planets, Our Star and Moon in Pisces: Where in your Life is the Crown of Pisces?

When we follow the movement of the heavenly bodies, stars, planets, and the Moon, we generally are interested in how the major events affect our lives personally. Paying attention to the areas of our lives where movement  and shifts, activities and energy,  and conflict or synchronicities  seem to be taking place will give you a good idea of where astrological transits and trends are at work.  Learning about how our movement and connection to the planets moving with us through space can be very useful for learning more about our astrological weather. All planets and energy in the Universe have an impact on us, whether or not we know anything about it.  The more we are aware of the different types of energy and archetypes at work on our life here on Earth, the more we will be able to be use the energy and information to help shape our lives. 

This week I am posting two articles on the current astrological trends. The first is an article on the New Moon and the prevailing current planetary trends. The second article, is this one designed to outline how the Stellenium in Pisces affects the different areas of one's chart. This week (March 4-10), we are experiencing a very special time, a time when six planets and the Sun are transiting the constellation of Pisces. By the New Moon on March 10/11, there will be 7 heavenly bodies forming the Stellenium or Crown of Pisces. At the same time, Saturn and the North Node will be forming a trine to the Stellenium, activating the major transformative work that Saturn in Scorpio has been creating at the level of the personal unconsciousness and in the Collective Consciousness of the Universe.  Also important in helping activate the energy of these current transits is the movement of Jupiter in Gemini, Uranus' movement in the early degrees of Aries, and Pluto's ongoing transformative transit through Capricorn. 

Photographer                                                                        Catherine Al-Meten
Wherever the Stellenium of Pisces falls in your life/chart, this is a very powerful and beautiful alignment of magical energy. Use the Pisces energy to  help heal (Chiron), discover (Neptune), love (Venus), act with care (Mars), manifest, express, create (Sun), plan, set intentions, and begin (Moon), communicate, express, create (Mercury) in all areas of your life. Use the energy and surprises of Uranus in Aries to propell  you and your dreams, and continue to allow the Great Transformer Pluto inform you of where in your life you need to dig deeper, accept changes, and choose to develop and grow.  Allow the beauty of your deep inner being to rise up in all forms, dreams, thoughts, memories, hunches, emotional responses as Saturn continues her journey through Scorpio pushing you closer to the gateway (North Node) to your new life. Get out and walk by the water. Breathe in the mists of evening, and send a wish on a boat down a stream. Celebrate the beauty of water with a special ritual to honor this beautiful time in your life, and then embrace the Love of the Divine in all you do.

Neptune, associated with the rulership of Pisces, the sea, and the mysteries of the unconscious, entered Pisces on April 4, 2011, and will stay in Pisces until 2025. Neptune breaks down boundaries that divide us intra and interpersonally. We are less likely to isolate and compartmentalize our thinking from our feeling, our inner from our outer lives, and our personal from our interpersonal interests, growth, and knowledge. We are opening to the mysteries both within ourselves (dreams, intuition, insight, wisdom, knowledge) and within the world in which we live. 

Uranus in Aries has been and will continue to be forming a series of squares to Pluto (last June, 2012, September, 2012, November, 2013, December, 2014, and finally March 17, 2015).  Pluto shatters outworn patterns, relationships, theories, thought, and structures to allow for new life to be born. Uranus is the Awakener (causing things to change suddenly, and sometimes in shocking ways) and its aspects to Pluto, the Great Transformer continue to remind us of the journey we have just begun to transform ourselves, our lives and relationships, and our relationship to the world in which we live. 

Saturn, the Great Teacher, in Scorpio has been in trine to Neptune in Pisces several times- December 2011-February 2012, October 10, 2012, and finally, June 12 and June 20, 2013. Dissolution, cosmic consciousness, illusion, and creative imagination are activated. Whatever needs to break down and dissolve to create new energy, is in the process of happening during this time. 

When Saturn entered Scorpio October 5, 2012, the Great Teacher began its 2 1/2 year cycle in the water sign.  Water breaks down all boundaries, blockages, walls, and barriers allowing old forms to die to make room for new growth.  

Jupiter entered Gemini on June 11, 2012, and will stay in this air sign for about a year. This is a fertile time for ideas, imagination, and projects related to deep transition and change.  I have noticed people who are willingly embracing the change in their lives, psyches, and behavior patterns, discovering new parts of themselves, new ways of resolving old and previously unresolvable issues, and finding creative outlets for doing so.

With a prevalence of planets, the Sun, and the New Moon in water signs, especially the feminine negative polarity suggests that this year reactions to events or stimuli from within or without will provoke us into taking action. It is a time for actively pursuing what it is we desire, and for seeking greater individuation (the coming together of both our masculine and feminine energies in mature form) in areas related to home, family, our sense of belonging, healing overcoming obstacles, and our ability and willingness to express greater compassion and love.  Challenges brought on by conflicts including the Uranus/Pluto squares (May 21, 2013 and November 1, 2013) will continue to help break down all forms of programming, socialization, and other forms of patterned behavior and thought, in an effort to form healthier and 

Pisces through the Astrological Houses. With so many planets transiting Pisces, it helps to understand house rulerships and domain.  Pisces is the traditional ruler of the 12th house, the House of the Unconscious. It is through this area of our being that we deal with both our successes and failures, our gains and losses, our dreams come true, and our lost dreams. The 12th house and Pisces call us to review and confront what we have been and done. It is on this level that we determine where we go from here. It is at this point that we determine what our areas of strength are and where our areas of weakness lie. It is on this level that we struggle with our very nature in an effort to learn, incorporate those learnings, and move forward with our life choices and resolutions.  In Jungian psychology, this struggle is referred to as dealing with our shadow. The shadow is that area of ourselves, the hidden, that is yet unformed, resolved, faced, understood, or developed. Sometimes the shadow is a result of what we had previously been unable to deal with. For example, at different points in our lives we have had difficult experiences, traumas, or losses, and have dealt with them in order to get through, but generally, much of the experiences get buried in the unconscious.  Whatever has been “forgotten” or stuffed down through suppression, then works its way to the surface either in the form of some form of awareness or in some subverted way, for example, through illness, pain, or projected behavior and attitudes.  As you can imagine, the ‘healthy’ way of dealing with shadow material, is to do so through reflection, examination, and careful integration into a deeper understanding or releasing of the past.  Other shadow elements include those yet to be discovered aspects of our personality, psyche, spirituality, or nature that makes its way into our awareness as we mature and grow into life. 

Whatever needs to come to the surface is probably making itself known to you now in some fairly profound way.  It would be difficult to ignore the energy of the Unconscious rising within you, just as it is very difficult to ignore how the shadow is making its way to the surface to be dealt with in one way or another, now in the manifested world in which we live.  The call of the Unconscious is to find ways to cope whatever needs to be resolved in a spiritually transformative way.

The houses represent different areas of our lives.  Depending upon where the different planets, the Sun, or the Moon are transiting, influences those different areas of your life.  First, let us look at what each house represents, and then how each planet, the Sun, or the Moon speak to those areas of life.

The first house, often where our Ascendant sits, reflects how we are perceived and how we project who we are to the world. If you have Pisces on the Ascendant or in the 1st house, this time could be one of great upheaval and transformation regarding how others see you and how you see yourself. There are major changes in one’s sense of identity and in the way one views and believes about what is possible or not. The changes occurring in the first house will be very obvious, I would imagine.  For example, you may have changed the way you look, your job, or you may have moved into a new area or position where you are unfamiliar with both who you are and how others see you.  I recall a first house transit I experienced, where I was in a job where my role to others I worked with changed. Having previously been one of the teaching staff, I was now in a managerial and supervisory position. People related to me differently, and I had to realize that the new role changed both their perception of me, and my own role with people with whom I had formerly shared a similar role. Whatever transformation is taking place, requires that you acknowledge your own role in how you are perceived, and the effects of your behavior, attitude, and outlook on how others perceive and understand you.

The second house, is the house that deals with how we have come to value ourselves, and is often referred to as the house of personal finance. It is much more about how we have been programmed, trained, or socialized to believe of our own worth. It is what we believe according to what we were told about who we are.  With all the Pisces planets moving through this area of your life, expect that you will be questioning, healing from old programming, and learning to question your value as a person in a new way.  It may be that all you have believed to be true has dissolved, and you now find yourself at a crucial point where you need to form a new sense of personal value and worth.  If, for example, you believed that the only way you were worthy was through your association or relationship to a particular job, that job may have disappeared or been lost. Now you find you need to rediscover your value and worth, separate and apart from a belief that no longer holds true. 

The third house deals with your family, immediate environment, brothers and sisters, neighbors, and how you communicate with and around all forms of communication.  You may have been going through some deep, penetrating changes and/or discoveries in both your immediate environment, neighbors, family, and the ways you communicate. Secrets may have come to the surface, changes may have transpired, and growth may have required you to learn new ways to communicate.  This could be a time of great creativity in areas related to communication. You may find new forms of media as an outlet for your imagination, creativity, and art.

The fourth house has to do with your sense of feeling at home. It is the house that relates to your early upbringing (where you came into the world and your formative years), and with your mother or dominant parent.  Whatever natal planets and aspects you have, may indicate early childhood issues and problems.  Now, however, with the line up in Pisces, a new beginning in this area of your life is imminent if not already underway. You may have had to leave a place where you felt at home, to give yourself a new sense of home. The influence and/or relationship with your mother may become more prominent in some way at this time.  Changes around your home include emotional, financial, and physical changes.

The fifth house represents the area of our lives connected to our sense of love, pleasure, children, and our roles as first-born children. If you are a first-born, this is a special house for you. Or, if you have children, the first-born child is prominent at this time. This is also the house that represents falling in love, and with so many planets in Pisces, this could feel like a fairy tale story for you at this time. Deep connection to those we love, to our sense of pleasure and joy, to our children and grandchildren, are all favored by the Stellenium in Pisces.  

The 6th house represents the area of our lives that deals with our personal health and well being as well as where we work, our workplace.  It also relates to our co-workers, and the environment of work and its effect on our health.  With so many planets in the 6th house, this could indicate some serious and potentially vital changes regarding your health and well being.  With all the potential both on the surface and below the surface of consciousness, there is likely to be some serious issues that must be faced and dealt with. Care needs to be taken around any kind of medication or treatment you use, as Neptune in this house affects what we know as well as what we don’t know or understand.  Forgoing much needed support, change, treatment, or alterations to the way you work and the place you work, can have serious consequences on your health.  Connect the idea that your health, your heart, your mind, your spirit, and your body are intricately linked to one another. Care for yourself and treat your work and workplace as you would a relationship. Cut yourself off from toxicity to prevent serious consequences. 

The 7th house represents our relationships inlcuding marriages and partnerships. As the fifth house deals with whom we love, the 7th house deals with our significant relationships of choice. With planets like Neptune and Chiron in this house, it is likely that significant relationships are or have been undergoing a great deal of stress. What we do with the aftermath of deception, loss, or dishonesty is determined by what we learn about ourselves and our ability to trust our own intuitive knowledge and ability to form strong and lasting partnerships and marriages. Messages are no doubt rising both from the unconsciousness (dreams, intuitive senses, hunches, visions-flashes of knowing) as well as from what we are learning  outside. We may discover some hidden secrets or events, or we may be dealing with our own illusions, delusions, or misunderstandings. Whatever is going on in the 7th house, the changes, conflicts, movement, and shifts in perception cannot be will be obvious that we have to make some changes, either in perception and belief or in the form and structure we may have counted on.

The 8th house represents how we are valued in the greater community. It also represents the goods and finances of a spouse. The 8th house represents the subconscious, sexuality, interest in the mysteries of the Universe, and goods of the dead (inheritance, heritage, responsibilities for others). With the Stellenium of Pisces in the 8th house, there may have been particular effort and burdens related to taking care of others and/or of dealing with finances and issues related to your spouse or someone related to that person with whom you are in partnership. Your interest in understanding or at least learning more about the mysteries of life, that which is called metaphysical or spiritual, may be a source of great interest to you now.  You may have some very interesting experiences with otherworldly energies.  Dreams and visions may be strong now. Watch for anything that comes to you during this time, linking you to greater knowledge, understanding, and connection to the past, present, and future.

The 9th house rules long journeys, other cultures, and people from other cultures. It also rules  anything to do with higher thought, the development of the mind, religion and spiritual traditions, philosophy, and higher education and institutions. This house also deals with the third child in a family.  If you are one or have a sibling, friend or parent who is, you might notice how their lives are being affected by the Stellenium of Pisces.  This could be a very exciting and active time for anyone with 9th house Pisces. Travel, education, the quest for setting out on a journey or pilgrimage of some type is very strongly indicated. The journey may be internal, artistic, or exploratory in nature.  Be wary of fundamentalism, extremism, or fanaticism of any kind (either in yourself or in your environment). This house also rules fashion, so you may take an interest in fashion of some sort.  Neptune in this house for 14 years, indicates an extended period of time when attitudes, beliefs, systems, and structures will be changing rapidly, evolving through ideological battles that may manifest in a great deal of social and political upheaval as factions seek to have their voices heard and their will obeyed.  While new ways of looking at things and dealing with issues and problems may be tried, there will continue to be power struggles across the board. On a personal level, we will find ourselves dealing with a great deal of inner turmoil, reflecting and attempting to resolve the ambiguity and discord we witness, in ways that allow us to learn new ways to connect, bind, and commit ourselves in meaningful and healthy ways.  We are struggling through a birthing time when structures, ways of knowing and perceiving are breaking down, and we are having to learn new ways to view and understand our lives and our place in it. The Stellenium in Pisces may be a strong time for you to gain inner vision to help you navigate the changes that lie ahead. 

The tenth house rules our soul purpose, career, personal dreams and desires, and our place in the world. The power of the 10th house is in our being able to express our soul purpose--that reason we feel we are here incarnated at this time.  How do we want to be perceived, and what are we doing that which fulfills the calling of our soul?  The 10th house also represents the father, the authority figure in our lives.  Any struggles with our fathers may influence the way we struggle to fulfill ourselves. With a strong, positive father figure and experience, we may feel empowered. Without that, we may spend a great deal of time trying to heal and overcome the damage from that relationship. The 10th house also deals with the fields of medicine, healing, entertainment, acting, writing/publishing, and other high profile, non-traditional positions that require inner stability as well as the ability to live with ambiguity. A sound, solid base of the 10th house, can receive the infusion of water energy from the Stellium in Pisces as one of the most powerful, creative, intuitive and exciting times of life.  Energy pouring into this area of your life, regardless of your age, can have a long-lasting and highly powerful impact on your achieving your soul goal. Spending the time and energy to heal and make necessary corrections at this time, will enable you to use the richness of this time for the rest of your life.
This can be a time of or leading to great honors and achievements. Do not allow self deception or personal struggles or self denial to stop you from growing, achieving and living to your fullest potential. Stop blaming everyone else for your lack of direction or success. Use what and who you are now, and be grateful for the blessings that are overflowing. Take off the blinders that prevent you from seeing the key to your happiness, success, and life are in your hands.

The 11th house relates to your relationships with friends, groups of people, institutions, and associations. It is your life in relationship with others.  It is also the house of your wishes and desires. The 11th house has to do with humanitarian efforts, and also rules the fourth child in a family.  With so much going on in this house, I would caution you to be discrete in your dealings with others.  Be careful about the choices you make, as there may be a number of hidden agendas active and alive in the groups of people around you.  This is a time of great power, energy, creativity, and otherworldliness, and people are dreaming aloud.  It’s a time of altruistic and generosity, and with the Stellenium of Pisces in this house, a time when great social and philanthropic efforts can be infused with spiritual gifts and ideas.  With regard to your own wishes and desires, this is a time to become crystal clear about what you truly want and desire in your life, and put into form and ritual, the intentions that you want to set into motion. This is a time to set great and powerful goals for yourself, and to truly discern what it is you want, for you are surely going to see your intentions manifest many times over in the future. Aim for the stars, be willing to embrace the life you intend, and get out of the way as the energy you send out sets you off on a journey where your wishes come true for decades to come.

The 12th house as I wrote earlier, is the traditional home of Pisces. The shadow side of this can be expressed as melancholy, depression,  escapism, self-deception, or grief.  Time to develop healthy and healing ways to express whatever losses, sadness, sorrow, or pain we have experienced, as the 12th house is where we reflect and resolve our past. This may be a time, prolonged in some cases, where we need more time in seclusion and retreat. Sometimes we find ourselves forced into retreat, in exile, or in some way separated from our home or country.  For anyone with a 12th house Pisces, the Stellenium may be signaling a time and need to recharge your batteries, and find time and rest to restore and refresh yourself. It also may indicate a time when secrets are being kept, or discoveries are being kept secret until the timing is right.  Whatever secrets, discoveries, or mysteries lie hidden, you may find yourself wishing to maintain some privacy and solitude for the time being. 

The period when Neptune is transiting Pisces, 2012-2025, is an extended time of preparing for a new period and beginning. The Stellium in Pisces in the 12th house reflects an extended period of clearing out, completing, overhauling, and re-evaluating what needs to go and what is coming into influence the new leg of the journey.